At our Livonia preschool, snack time is an important part of the day! Mother Hubbard provides snacks for its preschool classes every day, and the students are always excited to hear what Miss Roxy is serving!
Here’s three things you need to know about snack time at preschool: Snacks Are Provided As Part of Our Program In many other preschool programs in the area, parents are required to send in snacks for their children each day or pay an extra fee to have a snack provided. At Mother Hubbard, snack is included as part of your tuition, and every child is provided with a snack during each class period. Snack Time Often Coincides with Our Curriculum Miss Roxy is famous for planning fun, creative and healthy snacks for our preschool students! Many weeks, the snack will somehow coincide with the current theme of the week. For example, when the color of the week is orange, the snack may be fresh orange slices. It’s always fun to see the students making the connection between their daily snack and the topic they are learning about at school. Allergies Are Accommodated at Mother Hubbard At Mother Hubbard, we accommodate students with food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, please contact the preschool to discuss how they can safely enjoy snack time with the class. When your child celebrates their birthday at Mother Hubbard, they will have the opportunity to bring in a birthday treat to share with the class during snack time! In the past, birthday treats have included cupcakes, popsicles, popcorn, cookies, pretzels and fresh fruit. Students love to share their favorite snacks with their preschool friends! For more information about snack time at our preschool in Livonia, contact us today. Comments are closed.